City Of Parma Ohio

Law Department

To Whom It May Concern,

Since October of 1989 I have trained under the personal guidance of Master Guy L. Savelli, an expert in the Asian and American fighting systems.

Master Savelli offers much more than physical exercises. His unique balance of physical, mental and spiritual development boasts no equal. Framing the Kun Tao style around the individual, instead of vice versa, as in other systems, allows maximum personal development.

The effectiveness of Master Savelli's Kun Tao style became increasingly evident as time went on. So confident have I become in his system that I have unconditionally recommended him as a professional instructor to our police department. The City of Parma, through Mayor Ries, has agreed to completely fund the program as a benefit to our police officers and resulting benefit to our police officers and resulting benefit to the City as described below.

The reasons the city has agreed are three-fold. Police officers who are effectively trained in practical self-defense techniques have less need to resort to weapons or deadly force. This lessens liability and the number of lawsuits I must defend.

Second, members of the public are present much of the time when confrontations take place. An officer who is able to immediately control a perpetrator without unnecessary injury will gain the respect of the average citizen, thereby increasing public confidence in the department.

Lastly, an office who can successfully defend himself prevents himself from injury or even death. There are circumstances when a weapon is either not available or there is no time to use one. Avoidance of injury or death means preserving the physical, mental, and emotional integrity of the officer and his family. It also means savings to the city in workers' compensation, sick leave, disability leave and death benefits. For these reasons our Risk Manager, Bradley Sieber, joined me in recommending Master Savelli's program to Mayor Ries.

As one can see, there are very practical reasons for employing a quality self-defense program, whether it be for a police department, corporate employees, senior citizens or females in a rape prevention program. There is no price for self-preservation

I would be happy to discuss Master Savelli's program or my personal experiences at your convenience. Opportunities such as this are not available to everyone. I urge each of you to take advantage of this unique systems of self-defense.


Christopher A. Boyko
Law Director

Copyright © 1998 by Guy L. Savelli. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Except as otherwise provided by law, this writing may not be produced in whole or in part, in any manner.