Necessary Traits to be Like-Minded with Your Instructor

ethereal highly refined, heavenly
mystical of a nature or meaning that can neither be grasped by the intellect nor perceived by the senses
survivor someone who wants to remain alive
student a person who makes a study of something
emergency a serious situation or occurrence that develops suddenly or unexpectedly and demands immediate attention
perseverance the holding of action or purpose without giving way; to be relentless
discipline training that molds or perfects a specific skill, behavior, etc.; control that results from such training
perspective seeing things mentally with a three dimensional quality, as seen with the naked eye; a mental view of the relationships of the aspects of a subject to each other and to a whole
precise exactly corresponding to what is indicated; accurate and explicit
aptitude a natural or acquired talent or ability; quickness in learning or understanding
intelligence the capacity to acquire and apply knowledge and to solve problems; the faculty of thought and reason
athlete a person who possesses the natural aptitudes for physical exercise and sports, such as strength, agility, and endurance
intense extreme in degree; great concentration or strain; to feel deeply
lethal causing, or capable of causing death
deadly extremely accurate or effective
childlike suggesting endearing traits characteristic of children, that are favorable to all age levels
insight the capacity to see into the true or hidden nature of things; a keen, illuminating perception
intention a plan of action; an aim that guides an action; the purpose
vision unusual foresight; a mental image produced by imagination; supernatural gift
imagination the ability to act effectively by using the creative power of the mind
faith belief not based on logical proof or material evidence
belief mental acceptance of the truth or actuality of something
insatiable never satisfied
spiritual connected with or affecting the soul - "your life force"
patriot a person who loves, supports, and defends his country

Copyright © 1998 by Guy L. Savelli. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Except as otherwise provided by law, this writing may not be produced in whole or in part, in any manner.