You need two men for this exercise. One stands behind the other, holding and bracing a football blocking bag held against his thigh, hip, and chest area. It would benefit the cannon-kicking trainee if his partner who is holding the bag is a real lineman currently playing on a college-level football team.
The man holding the blocking bag must be strong and determined to not let himself give any ground backward when the bag he is holding gets kicked. He must not let his feet move at all, as if they were glued to the ground.
The training starts when the trainee who is standing with his back to the front of the lineman decides to quickly turn and back kick the bag. The objective is to drive the lineman through the air, backward. To do this, the trainee must visualize that his body is a cannon and his foot is the cannonball, cocked and ready to fire. When the lineman says he is prepared to hold his ground, the kicking trainee must fire. To do this effectively, the kicker must:
Copyright © 1999 by Guy L.
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